30 children
75 children
35 children
45 children
105 children
65 children
The students of Zilla Parishad schools are provided with free textbooks from the State Government. However, their parents can hardly spare any money for notebooks and other stationery which are crucial to support their learning journey in an effective manner. Now they learn crucial life skills like STEM, sport, and storytelling, to name a few.
‘buymeabook’ is an initiative designed and executed by a high school student – Arrnavv Chawla.
The initiative started by focusing on catering to the basic needs of tribal school students. Under the initiative of ‘Buymeabook’, Arrnavv collaborates with the local authorities and students around the city to arrange for all the academic stationary requirements for children for an entire school year.
These include:
Notebooks, Pens, Pencils, Erasers, Sharpeners, Colour Pencils, Drawing books, Tiffin Boxes, Water bottles, Writing pads, School bags, Water bottles, School Shoes, etc.
Apart from this, Arrnavv has created the most impact in these kids’ lives by teaching them numerous STEM and Sporting skills that will go a long way. Through the knowledge that Arrnavv, an aspiring engineer, has built, he engages the tiny tots of SKEF with exciting project-building work and teaches them design thinking. Such activities rekindle kids’ love for learning and guide them in a direction where they end up becoming problem-solvers of tomorrow!
‘Buymeabook’ started in the year 2021, just after the COVID-19 pandemic with around twenty-four students as beneficiaries. In the past three years it has grown to more than 15000 students, spread over 15 schools and around Nashik City. Moreover, the real feather in the cap of buymeabook is the fact that it has also spread its wings in cities like Jaipur, Nagpur, Varanasi, Udaipur, Kolkata, Mumbai, and Hyderabad to name a few. Arrnavv has motivated fellow teens to work towards the same goal and has given them the opportunity to support schools and students in their own cities! Not only that, but Arrnavv has also spread buymeabook to international cities. These are Donation Chapters for him and include Singapore, Japan, Boston, and Germany. Arrnavv’s work has been commendable and influential. He has spread Svayam Kriti Education Foundation’s wings far beyond what the Founders had imagined.
Studies have shown that reading increases verbal/writing skills, helps articulate thoughts, enhances problem-solving skills, increases concentration, improves memory and is also a mode of relaxation.
To hone this talent, we set up reading libraries with good quality books in English as well as the local state languages.
The books that we generally provide can be seen on www.prathambooks.org
SKEF strives for exposure of children towards digital technology together with enhancing learning skills.
We provide digital platforms where children read e-books from https://storyweaver.org.in/
SKEF promotes talent by providing scholarships to students.
Under this initiative, academic as well as extra-curricular talent is recognised and financial scholarships are provided to meritorious students.
Under this initiative the gifted and talented students are identified, counselled and provided with all the resources to strive towards their passion.
To qualify for this programme the students need to excel in the timely tests conducted by a panel from SKEF.